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Recommended Reading List

So many valuable books, articles and zines have been written about the Inclusion of those with less dominant culture power in social justice movements, organizations, or grassroot groups. Here's a collection of readings we can recommend. Please note that Diversity 4 Change is not responsible for the content of any outside links or publications. The opinions voiced do not necessarily reflect those of the initiative.


Uprooting Racism
How White People Can Work for Social Justice


by Paul Kivel


"Uprooting Racism explores the manifestations of racism in politics, work, community, and family life. It moves beyond the definition and unlearning of racism to address the many areas of privilege for white people and suggests ways for individuals and groups to challenge the structures of racism. Uprooting Racism’s welcoming style helps readers look at how we learn racism, what effects it has on our lives, its costs and benefits to white people, and what we can do about it.


In addition to updating existing chapters, the new edition of Uprooting Racism explores how entrenched racism has been revealed in the new economy, the prison industrial complex, health care policy, and increased attacks on Arabs, Muslims, and recent immigrants. Special features include exercises, questions, and suggestions to engage, challenge assumptions, and motivate the reader towards social action." -

Men's Work: How to Stop the Violence
That Tears Our Lives Apart


Also by Paul Kivel



"Men’s Work helps men understand the consequences of their violent behaviors and gives them the tools to make choices other than violence. The text and exercises help men learn the roots of male violence, the role of violence in their lives, and actions they can take to change their responses today." -


Download the Factsheet


Making Allies, Making Friends


by Hugh Vasquez, Nell Myhand, & Allan Creighton


"Making Allies, Making Friends is a violence prevention curriculum for middle school students. The 30 session activities are designed to prepare young people to build a healthy multicultural community and to prevent violence." -


Download the Factsheet


Bridging The Class Divide


By Linda Stout


"Bridging the Class Divide tells the inspiring story of Linda Stout’s life as the daughter of a tenant farmer, as a self-taught activist, and as a leader in the progressive movement.  It also gives practical lessons on how to build real working relationships between people of different income levels, races, and genders."  -


Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements
More Inclusive


By Julia Serano


"While feminist and queer/LGBTQIA+ movements are designed to challenge sexism, they often simultaneously police gender and sexuality—sometimes just as fiercely as the straight-male-centric mainstream does. Here, acclaimed feminist and queer activist Julia Serano chronicles this problem of exclusion within these movements. She advocates for a more holistic approach to fighting sexism that avoids these pitfalls, and offers new ways of thinking about gender, sexuality, and sexism that foster inclusivity rather than exclusivity." - From the Back Cover



Don't Leave Your Friends Behind
Concrete Ways to Support Families in
Social Justice Movements and Communities


Victoria Law (Editor); China Martens (Editor)


"Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind is a collection of concrete tips, suggestions, and narratives on ways that non-parents can support parents, children, and caregivers in their communities, social movements, and collective processes. Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind focuses on issues affecting children and caregivers within the larger framework of social justice, mutual aid, and collective liberation.


How do we create new, nonhierarchical structures of support and mutual aid, and include all ages in the struggle for social justice? There are many books on parenting, but few on being a good community member and a good ally to parents, caregivers, and children as we collectively build a strong all-ages culture of resistance. Any group of parents will tell you how hard their struggles are and how they are left out, but no book focuses on how allies can address issues of caretakers’ and children’s oppression. Many well-intentioned childless activists don’t interact with young people on a regular basis and don’t know how. Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind provides them with the resources and support to get started." -


the past didn't go anywhere
making resistance to antisemitism part of
all of our movements


Download the zine as a pdf here.

Implementing Safer Spaces –
Ideas for how to put words into action


Ideas and thoughts from somebody involved in conceiving and implementing a SaferSpaces Agreement at 'The Outdoor Skillshare 2011' an open event organised by CoalAction Scotland.


Download the zine as pdf here.


Excuse Me, Can You Please Pass The Privilege?


Download the zine as PDF here.



On Disability: and Ableist Language:


On Racism, Sexism and Homophobia:

On Making Space for Families and Children:

On Gender Identity and Transphobia:

On Sexism and Safe Spaces for Women:


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